
“Life is an eternal interaction between matter fields and energy (light) fields” Keeping this principle in mind, Asian Academy of Laser Therapy aims to maneuver Laser light to benefit biological tissues. The academy aims to equip health care professionals in the application of lasers in both, preventive and curative medicine in order to provide painless and holistic treatment to the patient”

Founded in 2013, the AALT is a professional membership association representing the changing face of Laser Science in Asia/ Middle east. As advocates for Advanced Laser care, the AALT promotes evidence-based policies and clinical guidelines; educates and informs policymakers, patients, guardians and other healthcare professionals; fosters research; and provides continuing professional laser education for practicing clinicians.


The mission of AALT is to advocate policies, guidelines and programs that promote optimal health through the use of Lasers and Allied Light Sources / Devices.


The vision of AALT is optimal care for children, adults and persons with special healthcare needs through the appropriate use of advanced technology pertaining to various LASERS & LIGHT Devices. AALT is the leader in representing advanced health interests of patients. An AALT Fellow and member is a recognized advanced laser care provider and resource for referral.